Parem as rotativas: vem aà novo disco de Mark Eitzel
· 26 Out 2016 · 17:27 ·
Mark Eitzel, um dos maiores escritores de canções dos nossos tempos, a voz que muitas vezes sobrevoa os nossos melhores sonhos, acaba de anunciar o décimo disco da sua carreira. O novo registo chama-se Hey Mr Ferryman e será lançado a 27 de Janeiro com o selo da Merge.
O primeiríssimo single chama-se “The Last Ten Years” e é, sem surpresa, admirável. Acerca da canção, Mark Eitzel disse o seguinte (em inglês porque fica sempre bem): “This song was originally written for American Music Club and was called ‘The Last 5 Years.’ This was inspired by an especially toxic year spent in New York’s Lower East Side. I added five years to make it ten, though 20 years had passed. It would have been a different song if the chorus was ‘I spent the last 20 years trying to waste half an hour.’ I mean, that’s a lot even for me”.