TOPES ILUSTRES 2015 - Baptiste Walker Hamon | Baptiste W. Hamon
· 21 Dez 2015 · 22:10 ·

Bertrand Belin - Cap Waller
This guy is a genius. His lyrics are just something that has never been done before in France. His music is great. Bill Callahan-esque, to give you an idea, but not only.
Philémon Cimon - Les femmes comme des montagnes
French Canadian artist. His last album L’Eté made me cry all year last year. This new album has been recorded in Cuba and it’s a wonderful one.
Steve Earle - Terraplane
One of the best Texas songwriters ever. 
Sufjan Stevens - Carrie & Lowell
James Mc Murtry - Complicated Game
Alma Forrer - recorded in Porto, Alma’s EP is.. pure magic. 
Montgomery Brown And The Orchestra of Dust
Baptiste Walker Hamon
