Jens Lekman mostra nova canção
· 09 Jan 2013 · 22:30 ·

Jens Lekman anda um mãos largas. Assim do nada, acaba de disponibilizar uma nova canção. Mas não é uma canção qualquer. A editora conta a história direitinha: "during Hurricane Sandy last November, Jens Lekman´s pianist, Jonas, was stuck in New York City with no way of getting to the West Coast to resume touring. Jens reached out to the world, asking if anyone could help get Jonas to Boston, where he could catch a flight. Two girls, Oliva and Maddy (THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU), ended up driving Jonas to Boston and in return for their kindness, Jens said he would write them a song". E assim foi. Podem fazer download gratuito e legal de “Olivia & Maddy” aqui.
André Gomes
